Precision Software Appli…tions Silver Collection 4
Precision Software Applications Silver Collection Volume 4 (1993).iso
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\\HELPFILE// VERSION 1 Help file written by Barry MacDonnell
.Main Help Information and Registration
│ Press <Enter> or click on [√] for Help Topics │
Key: Use: <> or <PgDn> for More...
─── ─── ─────────────────────────
F1 =Help. Available from any window or data input field.
F2 =Toggle display between All Events and Active Events.
Alt-F2 =Select a Category of events to display.
F3 =Save any changes, exit REMIND. (No confirmation)
Alt-F3 =Save any changes, but remain in REMIND.
F4 =Quit REMIND without saving changes. (No confirmation)
F5 =Add a new event and reminder message.
F6 =Update, view, or clone (copy) the highlighted event.
F7 =Shell to DOS; to return to REMIND type EXIT at the prompt.
F8 =Search all events for Reminder text and/or event Due Date.
Ctrl-L or Alt-S
=Look (Search) for next occurrence of event(s) after
using the "Search all events" function (F8).
F9 =Expire (reset) event. Clear event until next due date.
Alt-F9 =Delete event. Erase event from data file; no history kept.
F10 =Re-sort the events displayed on screen.
Esc =Exit program; you are prompted to save changes, if any.
Alt-F =Select a new reminder data File.
Alt-O =Select Option editor (enter user-defined start up options).
Alt-V =Toggle between 25-line and 50-line mode for VGA displays.
Alt-P =Select the Print Events Menu.
Shortcut keys:
A or Ins =Add a new event and reminder message.
C =Select a Category of events to display.
D or Del =Delete event. Erase event from datafile; no history kept.
E =Expire (reset) event. Clear event until next due date.
R =Re-sort displayed events on screen.
S =Search events for Reminder text and/or event Due Date.
U or Ent =Update, view, or clone (copy) the highlighted event.
=Cycle forward/backward through categories displayed
on the main screen.
Explanation of main display screen terms:
C - Category code of event and reminder text message.
Event Date - The date an event is due.
Days Left - The number of calendar days until an event is due,
or is past due (shown with a trailing minus sign).
Type - Event type (access Help from Add New Event or
Update Event screens for more information on
types.) A "+" indicates a Sticky event flag.
Reminder - Text message about the event. A "*" following
the reminder indicates one or more Memo fields
are included. Place the bar cursor on the event
and press <Enter> or <F6> or <U> to view Memos.
REMIND was written by Tom R. Donnelly. Documentation and help
text were written by Barry MacDonnell.
If you have not already registered, please take a minute and do
so. REMIND is the product of hundreds of hours of work, and you
can help keep the concept of "shareware" alive by supporting
software authors who want to continue to use this approach to
bring high-quality, affordable programs to users. You'll also
be notified of free updates to the program. To register,
complete the registration form at the end of the documentation
or send $20 (in U.S. Funds) to:
Tom Donnelly Computer Software
P.O. Box 3856 San Dimas, CA 91773
*Please indicate what size floppy disk you prefer.*
Thank you for supporting shareware.
.FileName Data File Name
REMIND keeps events in a separate ASCII text file, in the same
directory as REMIND.EXE. The default filename is REMINDER.DAT.
Pressing <Alt-F> allows you to specify another reminder data
file to load in place of the current (default) file. If you
have made changes to the current file, you will be prompted to
save them before you load the new data file.
You can select from several data files by using wildcards (*,?).
For example, after pressing <Alt-F>, type
to select from all data files (files ending with the extension
.DAT) in the current directory, or simply press <Enter> and
choose a data file from the pop up list.
If the new data file is on another drive or directory, include
the full drive/directory path as part of the new reminder data
file name. For example, if you have a special data file,
SPECIAL.DAT, that you keep in the \WORK directory of drive D,
you would type
If you type a filename and the file is not found in the
directory, REMIND will prompt you for confirmation to create a
new data file with that filename.
.CategoryDisplay Category Display
When you add or update events, you can assign them to a
user-defined category so that they can be sorted and viewed on
the main display screen separately from all events. (They also
can be searched using a category to limit the search.) The
default category given to an event is "Uncategorized," unless
you have set another default with the Option editor (<Alt-O>).
See below on how to add new categories.
From the Select Category Display box, move the bar cursor to the
category of your choice (two pre-existing categories are given:
"Uncategorized" and "All Categories") and press <Enter> to
select that category. REMIND will use your selection to sort
and view events that were assigned to that category. Selections
made this way will remain valid only for the current REMIND
If one or more events were originally categorized with the code
"*" (All Categories) when you added or updated them, you will
see these events (if they are Active events) regardless of the
user-defined category set as the default or selected from the
main screen with <Tab> or <C>. Adding this code to an event
makes the event display in "all categories."
However, "all categories" has a slightly different meaning at
the main screen: If you cycle to "All Categories" with <Tab> or
<C> from the main screen, you then will see ALL events (if they
are Active events) in ALL categories (i.e., everything). Also,
remember that you can use <F2> to toggle back and forth between
Active Events and All Events in any category you are displaying.
If you want to add, change, or delete categories from the
category list, select the choice "<<< Add/Edit Category >>>."
To add a category, enter a category Code (A-Z, 0-9), and a
brief Description (1-15 characters). For example, you could
add "B" for "Business," "C" for "Clients," or "P" for
"Personal." Press <Enter>, then move to the "OK" box to
confirm your choice. You can have up to 36 categories in
addition to the special categories "Uncategorized" and "All
To change a category, enter a valid code (or press the
<Spacebar> to see a list of current categories), change the
description, press <Enter>, then move to the "OK" box to
confirm your choice.
To delete a category, enter the category Code, then press
<Enter> to move to the "Delete: [ ]" field. Press any key in
this field to set it to "On" [√], then move to the "OK" box to
confirm your choice.
The special categories "@" and "*" cannot be deleted, but
their description may be changed.
Changes are saved in the disk file REMINDER.CAT upon exiting
the box. This is an ASCII file which may be edited with a
plain-ASCII editor or word processor. Limit changes to the
format described above for codes, descriptions, and number of
.InputMain Event Input Screens
REMIND has two event input screens:
-Add New Event- ... Allows you to create events.
Accessed with the <F5> or <A> keys.
-Update Event- ... Allows you to modify or view events.
Accessed with <F6> or <U> or <Enter>.
In either screen you can specify the due date, event type,
"sticky" option, the number of warning days (either calendar
days or weekdays), a message to display, and up to three memo
lines of extra information. You also can assign an event to a
user-defined category, and optionally select a date to
automatically delete the event.
While adding or updating events, you can use these editing keys
in the event input screens:
<Enter> Ends each field.
<Ctrl-Enter> Ends entry and skips to Add Event?
or Replace Event? question.
<Backspace> Back up and erase 1 character.
<Control-U> Erase current field.
<Control-End> Erase from current location to end
of field.
<DownArrow> or <Tab> Move to next field.
<UpArrow> or <ShftTab> Move to prior field.
<Arrow Left/Right> Position cursor left/right 1 character.
<Delete> Delete character cursor is under.
<Insert> Toggle between insert/overwrite mode.
<Home> Position cursor to start of field.
<End> Position cursor to end of field.
<+> and <-> Increment/decrement date/numeric fields.
<=> Pop up a calendar from a date field.
The Update Event screen (accessed with <F6> or <U> or <Enter> or
by clicking on column 1 of an event) also allows you to copy or
"clone" another event. This is useful when you have several
events to enter that differ in minor respects (date, message,
To clone an event: Press <F6> or <U> or <Enter> or click on
column 1 of an event and make the changes to an existing event.
Instead of selecting OK (in answer to Replace Event?) from the
choices displayed at the bottom of the screen, select "AddNew."
The new event then will be added to REMIND's data file when you
Exit & Save (with <F3>) from REMIND's main display screen. The
event that was cloned will remain unaffected.
Additional help is available from within each event input screen
by pressing <F1> when the cursor is in any field.
.InputDueDate Event Due Date
Event Due Date
This is the date your event and reminder message are due to be
displayed on the main screen (where this date is simply called
the "Event Date"). When it actually displays -- and how long it
remains displayed -- can be modified by you in other fields of
the event input screens ("Add New Event" and "Update Event").
If no warning days have been set in the event input screens,
this is the date REMIND will display your reminder message on
the main screen. If warning days have been set, REMIND will
display your reminder in advance of the event's Due Date by the
number of calendar days (or weekdays) you indicated. If the
event has been flagged [√] as a Sticky event, REMIND will
continue to display your message until you deliberately reset or
delete it.
You can enter the Due Date in several ways:
One way is to use the calendar window that pops up when you
press <Enter> or <=> in the input screen's Due Date field.
Press <Enter> to accept the calendar display date, or move to a
new date with one of the cursor arrow keys and press <Enter>.
(You can click on a new day with your mouse, then click on the
OK box at the bottom of the calendar). The <Home> and <End>
keys move to the first and last day of the displayed month. The
<PgUp> and <PgDn> keys change the displayed month; <Ctrl-PgUp>
and <Ctrl-PgDn> change the displayed year. Press <Esc> or click
the right mouse button to bail out of the calendar window
without making a choice.
You also can type in the date. When adding or updating Due
Dates manually, the current year will be added if not entered
(i.e., entering 11/02 produces 11/02/1992, if the current year
is 1992). If only a day is entered, the current month and year
will be added (entering 2 in November produces 11/02/1992).
You can just enter MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT or SUN in the
blank Due Date field and REMIND will calculate and display the
date of the next occurrence of that day.
Pressing the Plus <+> key or Minus <-> key will increment or
decrement the date shown.
Finally, while adding or updating events, you can use these
editing keys in the event input screens:
<Enter> Ends each field.
<Ctrl-Enter> Ends entry and skips to Add Event?
or Replace Event? question.
<Backspace> Back up and erase 1 character.
<Control-U> Erase current field.
<Control-End> Erase from current location to end
of field.
<DownArrow> or <Tab> Move to next field.
<UpArrow> or <ShftTab> Move to prior field.
<Arrow Left/Right> Position cursor left/right 1 character.
<Delete> Delete character cursor is under.
<Insert> Toggle between insert/overwrite mode.
<Home> Position cursor to start of field.
<End> Position cursor to end of field.
<+> and <-> Increment/decrement date/numeric fields.
<=> Pop up a calendar from a date field.
.InputType Event Type
Event Type
Event Type is the frequency of occurrence of an event.
Event frequencies can be ONE-TIME (the event displays just once),
REPEATING (e.g., every week, quarter, year, etc.), FLOATING (the
event's calendar date "floats," but the event pops up on the
same day of a given month or other period), or specifically
PERIODIC (every 90 days, every 3rd Monday in June, or some other
exact period between the event's due date). Valid types that
can be used in the event input screens are:
Value: Meaning: Updated to:
O Once (Automatically deleted after the
scheduled day/date has arrived.)
D Daily Next day (tomorrow).
W Weekly 7 days from scheduled date.
B BiWeekly 14 days from scheduled date.
QW QuadWeekly 28 days from scheduled date.
M Monthly Same date next month.
BM BiMonthly Same date in two months.
Q Quarterly Same date in three months.
SA SemiAnnually Same date in six months.
Y Yearly Same month/date next year.
BA BiAnnually Same month/date in two years.
Other periodic events:
1,2,3,4,5, or L, plus SU, MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, or DA,
and --optionally-- M, BM, Q, SA, or JAN-DEC
Floating Next occurrence that qualifies.
3WE=every 3rd Wednesday each month;
LDA=Last day of each month;
LMO=Last Monday of each month;
3WeQ=every 3rd Wednesday each
quarterly period following
the original Due Date;
3WeFeb=every 3rd Wednesday in
1,2,3,4,5, or L, plus BU
Floating Next business day (weekday) that
qualifies. Examples:
1BU=First business day of each month;
5BU=Fifth business day of each month;
LBU=Last business day of each month.
1-999 (plus D, W, M, Q, Y)
Nth period Next occurrence that qualifies.
4M=same date every 4th Month;
90D=exactly every 90 Days;
3M (or Q)=same date every quarter.
Pressing <Enter> or <?><Enter> in this field lets you
select the event type from a list of possible values.
.InputSticky Sticky Event
Sticky Event flag: [√]=On [ ]=Off
Setting this flag to "On" in the event input screens will make
REMIND continually display the event's reminder message after
the event's Due Date has passed. (Any key pressed while in this
field toggles this flag between "On" and "Off.") Sticky events
continue to pop up until they are reset with the <F9> or <E>
key, or are deleted with the <Alt-F9> or <D> or <DEL> keys.
An event marked Sticky will have a "+" mark in the Type column
on the main REMIND display screen.
While any event type can be made Sticky, it makes little sense to
use it with Daily events, which are always displayed until
removed. And some events are not worth being nagged about after
their Due Date has passed, such as reminders about holidays or
vacations: set the Sticky flag off (blank) for these events.
You may set the start up default for this field by using the
Option editor (<Alt-O>). If you set most of your events to
Sticky (so that you'll be nagged into attending to them), set
the start up to "On". (You can always choose the "Off" flag in
the input screen for any event you don't want to have "stick" on
the screen.)
.InputWarnDays Warning Days
Warning (or Preview) Days
In the event input screens, enter how many days (0-9999) before
the event's Due Date you would like to be reminded of the
event's existence. The default is 0 days, or the value
specified by you in the Option editor (<Alt-O>).
Note: The type of warning or preview days can be toggled
between calendar days and just weekdays (Monday through Friday)
in the next field on the input screen. Press <F1> when in the
"Warning in Weekdays" field for more information on this
Pressing the Plus <+> key or Minus <-> key will increment or
decrement the number of days.
For example, if you celebrate Winter Solstice on December 21 and
need a reminder as early as the first of December, enter 20. A
typical number of warning days for One-time events, as well as
Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, or other long term events, is 3
calendar days. (You may prefer to be warned in weekdays instead
of calendar days; see the "Warning in Weekdays" field.) This
will account for weekends with Monday holidays, when you might
not catch the event if you are not at work and the event pops up
only once. Weekly or Daily events will fall on the day of the
week you select, and may not require much warning, if any.
Events may not require as much warning as you think, and it may
be irritating to see the event displayed dozens of days before
the event is due. Use the fewest number of preview days that
work for you: too many days of warning can dilute the impact of
a REMIND message.
Finally, you can use the Option editor (<Alt-O>) to set the
default "Warn in weekdays" field to either weekday warning days
(option "On") or calendar warning days (option "Off").
.InputWarnWeek Warning in Weekdays
Warning in Weekdays flag: [√]=On [ ]=Off
If you set this flag "On" (in the event input screens) REMIND
will use weekdays instead of calendar days when calculating the
earliest warning (or preview) day to display an upcoming event.
(Any key pressed while in this field toggles this flag between
"On" and "Off.")
See also the Help message for the Warning Days field in the
event input screens.
Setting this flag "On" may be helpful for students or business
people who operate mainly on a Monday-through-Friday schedule.
If, for example, you need to be reminded as early as Friday of a
meeting the following Wednesday (because you will not be at your
computer Saturday or Sunday), you would enter 3 weekday warning
days for the Wednesday event so that the Reminder will pop up
Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. (It will also pop up Saturday and
Sunday, if you load REMIND on those days.)
A typical number of weekday warning days for One-time events, as
well as Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, or other long term events,
is 1 to 3 weekdays. Remember to account for weekends with
Monday holidays, when you might not catch the event if you are
not at work and the event pops up only once. (REMIND doesn't
"know" that a Monday holiday isn't a business day: it counts it
as a normal weekday.) Remember that Weekly or Daily events will
fall on the day of the week you select, and may not require much
warning, if any.
Events may not require as much warning as you think, and it may
be irritating to see the event displayed dozens of days before
the event is due. Use the fewest number of preview days that
work for you: too many days of warning can dilute the impact of
a REMIND message.
Finally, you can use the Option editor (<Alt-O>) to set the
default "Warn in weekdays" field to either weekday warning days
(option "On") or calendar warning days (option "Off").
.InputText Reminder Text
Reminder Text
Reminder text is the text REMIND should display on its main
display screen, one field per event. This field may contain up
to 54 characters, which are entered via the event input screens.
Additional characters will be wrapped to Memo field #1.
(Memo fields do not display on the main REMIND screen. A "*"
in column 80 of REMIND's main display screen indicates a memo
exists for that event. To view memos, place the bar cursor on
the event that has memos, and press <F6> or <U> or <Enter> or
click on column 1 of the event.)
The first word of text in this field will be considered as a sort
criterion for reminders with the same Due Date. Thus you can
use the first word to help you sort reminders for the day in a
logical way, such as assigning priorities (A,B,C... etc.).
You also can use time as a sort criterion. If an event's
Reminder text starts with a time (e.g., 10:30), any events that
occur on the same day but at different times will be ordered
according to the time placed at the beginning of the text field.
This feature can be used to schedule daily appointments. Be sure
to include leading zeros for a proper sort. For example, use
09:00 for 9:00 A.M. Also, use 24-hour time by adding 12 to all
P.M. times. Three o'clock in the afternoon is entered as 15:00,
and 7:30 P.M. is entered as 19:30.
Since reminders with the same Due Date are sorted by the first
word in ASCII order, numbers precede capital letters, which in
turn precede lower case letters. If you use REMIND both as an
appointment scheduler and a task manager, your appointments will
appear above any tasks for the same date if you follow the HH:MM
time scheme above.
.InputMemo1 Reminder Memo 1
Memo 1
From the event input screens, enter any extra text REMIND should
keep as a memo. This field can contain up to 54 characters.
Additional characters will be wrapped to Memo #2.
(Memo fields do not display on the main REMIND screen. A "*"
in column 80 of REMIND's main display screen indicates a memo
exists. To view memos, place the bar cursor on the event that
has memos, and press <F6> or <U> or <Enter> or click on column 1
of the event.)
.InputMemo2 Reminder Memo 2
Memo 2
From the event input screens, enter any extra text REMIND should
keep as a memo. This field may contain up to 54 characters.
Additional characters will be wrapped to Memo #3.
(Memo fields do not display on the main REMIND screen. A "*"
in column 80 of REMIND's main display screen indicates a memo
exists. To view memos, place the bar cursor on the event that
has memos, and press <F6> or <U> or <Enter> or click on column 1
of the event.)
.InputMemo3 Reminder Memo 3
Memo 3
From the event input screens, enter any extra text REMIND should
keep as a memo. This field may contain up to 54 characters.
(Memo fields do not display on the main REMIND screen. A "*"
in column 80 of REMIND's main display screen indicates a memo
exists. To view memos, place the bar cursor on the event that
has memos, and press <F6> or <U> or <Enter> or click on column 1
of the event.)
.InputCatList Category List
Category List
When you add or update events in the event input screens, you
can assign them to a user-defined category so that they may be
sorted and viewed on the main display screen separately from all
other events. (They also can be searched using a category to
limit the search.) The default category given to an event is
"Uncategorized," unless you have set another default with the
Option editor (<Alt-O>). See below about how to add new
To change categories, make a selection from the Select Category
window. (If the window isn't visible, you can press the
<Spacebar> to erase the existing category code in the Category
field; the selection window then pops up.) Move the menu bar in
the window to the category of your choice (two pre-existing
categories are given: "Uncategorized" and "All Categories") and
press <Enter> to assign this event to that category.
If you want to force REMIND to always display this event no
matter what category is selected to display on the main screen,
select "* - All Categories." Then you will always see this
event displayed, regardless of the category selected.
If you want to add, change, or delete categories from the
category list, select "<<< Add/Edit Category >>>" from the
Select Category window, or return to the main display screen and
press <C> or <Alt-F2> and make this same selection. Then press
<F1> for help with category codes and descriptions when in the
pop up window.
If you never use special categories, you may want to accept the
default value set for the Category field by skipping this field
with the <Enter> or cursor arrow keys. Remember that the
default value is either "@" - "Uncategorized" or a personal
default value that you can set in the REMIND option file with
the Option editor (<Alt-O>).
.InputTo End Date
End Date
In the event input screen's "End Date" field you can enter the
last date you want the event to display on REMIND's main screen.
This entry is optional, since you can delete any event at any
time with the <Alt-F9> or <D> or <Del> keys.
The event automatically will be *PERMANENTLY DELETED* after the
End Date passes. The End Date field allows you to limit the
display of a reminder to a given period, starting with the
earliest Warning Day (if any) and ending with the End Date,
without having to delete it manually after it is no longer
This presumes you know in advance that you will *NOT* need the
reminder again after the End Date. If you think you may need
it, leave this field blank. If you leave this field blank (the
default), the event will either automatically delete itself
after its Due Date (if it is a One-time event), or automatically
reset itself to continually pop up on specific future dates. (In
addition, if the event was made Sticky it will remain on screen
after popping up, until you manually reset or delete it.)
If you toggle the main screen from Active Events to All Events
with <F2>, the event will display only until the End Date.
You can enter the End Date in several ways:
One way is to use the calendar window that pops up when you
press <=> in the input screen's End Date field. Press <Enter>
to accept the calendar display date, or move to a new date with
one of the cursor arrow keys and press <Enter>. (You can click
on a new day with your mouse, then click on the OK box at the
bottom of the calendar). The <Home> and <End> keys move to the
first and last day of the displayed month. The <PgUp> and
<PgDn> keys change the displayed month; <Ctrl-PgUp> and
<Ctrl-PgDn> change the displayed year. Press <Esc> or click the
right mouse button to bail out of the calendar window without
making a choice.
You also can type in the date. When adding or updating End
Dates manually, the current year will be added if not entered
(i.e., entering 11/02 produces 11/02/1992, if the current year
is 1992). If only a day is entered, the current month and year
will be added (entering 2 in November produces 11/02/1992).
You can just enter MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT or SUN in the
blank End Date field and REMIND will calculate and display the
date of the next occurrence of that day.
Pressing the Plus <+> key or Minus <-> key will increment or
decrement the date shown.
.EventTypeList1 Event Type Selections
Event Type Selections
From the event input screens you can choose the Event Type
you want to use for your reminders. Event Type is the frequency
of occurrence of an event. Choose one of the 13 types from the
list (use arrow keys, type the number, or double-click the mouse):
Type: Update Event to:
Once (Automatically deleted after the
scheduled day/date has arrived.)
Daily Next day (tomorrow).
Weekly 7 days from scheduled date.
BiWeekly 14 days from scheduled date.
QuadWeekly 28 days from scheduled date.
Monthly Same date next month.
BiMonthly Same date in two months.
Quarterly Same date in three months.
SemiAnnual Same date in six months.
Yearly Same month/date next year.
BiAnnual Same month/date in two years.
Floating Next day that qualifies.
Nth period Next day that qualifies.
See the "Event Type" help screen for examples.
.EventTypeList2 Event Type - Floating Event Occurrence
Event Type - Floating Event Occurrence
Floating Events are those where the event's calendar date
"floats," but the event pops up on the same day of each month.
Example: The third Thursday of each month (the calendar date
may differ but the day --Thursday-- remains the same).
Choose the occurrence of the floating event (use arrow keys,
type the number, or double-click the mouse):
Value: Meaning:
Last Last occurrence.
1st First occurrence.
2nd Second occurrence.
3rd Third occurrence.
4th Fourth occurrence.
5th Fifth occurrence.
.EventTypeList3 Floating Event Day
Event Type - Floating Event Day
Floating Events are those where the event's calendar date
"floats," but the event pops up on the same day of each month.
Choose the day of the week from the list. This day will be
combined with the occurrence (previously selected) to form the
floating event (i.e., First Monday of the month, Last Sunday of
the month, etc.).
.EventTypeList4 Floating Event Month
Event Type - Floating Event Month
Floating Events are those where the event's calendar date
"floats," but the event pops up on the same day of each month.
Choose the month or other period from the pick list. This
month or period will be combined with the event's occurrence and
day (previously selected) to form the floating event -- i.e.,
the First Monday in June, the Last Sunday of every Quarter, etc.
(Once you learn the format of REMIND's floating event codes, you
can type the code directly into the Event Type field when in
either input screen. For some, this may be faster than picking
floating event types and periods from the pop up lists.)
Value: Meaning:
M Monthly (the default)
BM BiMonthly (every other month)
Q Quarterly
SA SemiAnnual (every 1/2 year)
JAN January
. .
. .
DEC December
.NthPeriodMain "Every Nth Period"
Nth Period
REMIND can set an event to display on every "Nth" occurrence of
a date. (See CAUTION below.)
For example, you can have an event display on the same day of
every 4th month from a given Due Date. You would enter a "4",
then an "M", in the dialog box that pops up when you choose
"Every nth period" as the event type when adding or changing
events. (Once you learn the format of REMIND's event codes, you
can type the code directly into the Event Type field when in
either input screen. For some, this may be faster than entering
event types and periods from the pop up lists.)
You can select any period from 1 to 999, and chose Daily,
Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly events.
Note that selecting "7", then "D", is the same as selecting
"Weekly" as the event type. Other redundant codes are:
2W or 14D = BW (Biweekly)
4W or 28D = QW (Quad-weekly)
2M = BM (Bimonthly)
3M = Q (Quarterly)
6M or 2Q = SA (Semiannual)
12M or 2SA = Y (Yearly)
24M or 2Y = BA (Biannual)
CAUTION: Some periods may seem equivalent but may not be the same.
For instance, a "Quarterly" period may -- or may not -- equal 90
days. It will be equal to 90 days in a leap year for a period
spanning February (29 days), March (31 days), and April (30 days),
but won't be equal for the period spanning June (30), July (31),
and August (31) of any year. So, if you choose "Q" as the event
type, the event will display on the same date (e.g., the 10th),
every third month. But choosing "90D" means the event will display
*exactly* every 90 days. Similarly, "180D" (every 180 days) and
"BA" (same date every 6 months) are not identical, and "30D", "4W",
and "1M" have different meanings.
.NthPeriodCount "Nth Period" Count
Nth Period Count
For "Nth period" events, you can select any period from 1 to
999. Then choose Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and
Yearly as the Event Period Type.
For example, "3W" means the event will display on the same day
every three weeks (i.e., every 21 days).
See the Help topic "Every Nth Period" for more information and
cautions about setting this type of event. (Press <Enter> now
for Help topics.)
.NthPeriodType "Nth Period" Type
Nth Period Type
For "Nth period" events, after you choose the Period Count
choose the Type: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly.
See the Help topic "Every Nth Period" for more information and
cautions about setting this type of event. (Press <Enter> now
for Help topics.)
.SearchMain Search Criteria Input Screen
Search Criteria Input Screen
REMIND allows you to locate reminders by text words (keywords)
and/or by the event's Due Date.
Press <F8> or <S> to access the Search Criteria input screen
screen. This screen allows you to enter the criteria that will
be used for your search. Fill in all desired fields and press
<Enter>, or click on OK, to begin your search.
You can use these editing keys in any field in the Search
Criteria screen:
<Enter> Ends each field.
<Ctrl-Enter> End entry and immediately start search.
<Backspace> Back up and erase 1 character.
<Control-U> Erase current field.
<Control-End> Erase from current location to end
of field.
<DownArrow> or <Tab> Move to next field.
<UpArrow> or <ShftTab> Move to prior field.
<Arrow Left/Right> Position cursor left/right 1 character.
<Delete> Delete character cursor is under.
<Insert> Toggle between insert/overwrite mode.
<Home> Position cursor to start of field.
<End> Position cursor to end of field.
<+> and <-> Increment/decrement date/numeric fields.
<=> Pop up a calendar from a date field.
.SearchKeywords Search Keywords
Search Criteria Input Screen - Search Keywords
Keywords are the specific words in your Reminder text and Memo
fields that you wish to locate with the search feature.
From the Search Criteria input screen, enter the search keywords
separated by one or more blanks. Each keyword you enter must
exist in the reminder for it to be considered a match. This
corresponds to a logical "AND" condition between keywords.
For example, to find all reminders that contain both the words
"Richard" and "sales," you would enter (without quotes):
"Richard sales" or "sales Richard."
You can use these editing keys in any field in the Search
Criteria screen:
<Enter> Ends each field.
<Ctrl-Enter> End entry and immediately start search.
<Backspace> Back up and erase 1 character.
<Control-U> Erase current field.
<Control-End> Erase from current location to end
of field.
<DownArrow> or <Tab> Move to next field.
<UpArrow> or <ShftTab> Move to prior field.
<Arrow Left/Right> Position cursor left/right 1 character.
<Delete> Delete character cursor is under.
<Insert> Toggle between insert/overwrite mode.
<Home> Position cursor to start of field.
<End> Position cursor to end of field.
<+> and <-> Increment/decrement date/numeric fields.
.SearchFromDate Search From Date
Search Criteria Input Screen - Search From (Due) Date
You can limit the extent of a search used to locate events by
specifying a pair of search dates when in the Search Criteria
input screen.
Enter the BEGINNING date from which all events will be searched.
If a date is entered in this field, the search will only include
events whose Due Date is ON or AFTER the date entered.
You can enter the Search From Date in several ways:
One way is to use the calendar window that pops up when you
press <=> in the Search From Date field. Press <Enter> to
accept the calendar display date, or move to a new date with one
of the cursor arrow keys and press <Enter>. (You can click on a
new day with your mouse, then click on the OK box at the bottom
of the calendar). The <Home> and <End> keys move to the first
and last day of the displayed month. The <PgUp> and <PgDn> keys
change the displayed month; <Ctrl-PgUp> and <Ctrl-PgDn> change
the displayed year. Press <Esc> or click the right mouse button
to bail out of the calendar window without making a choice.
You also can type in the date. When adding or updating dates
manually, the current year will be added if not entered (i.e.,
entering 11/02 produces 11/02/1992, if the current year is
1992). If only a day is entered, the current month and year
will be added (entering 2 in November produces 11/02/1992).
You can just enter MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT or SUN in the
blank date field and REMIND will calculate and display the date
of the next occurrence of that day.
Pressing the Plus <+> key or Minus <-> key will increment
or decrement the date shown.
.SearchToDate Search To Date
Search Criteria Input Screen - Search To (Due) Date
You can limit the extent of a search used to locate events by
specifying a pair of search dates when in the Search Criteria
input screen.
Enter the ENDING date to which all events will be searched. If a
date is entered in this field, the search will only include
events whose Due Date is ON or BEFORE the date entered.
You can enter the Search To Date in several ways:
One way is to use the calendar window that pops up when you
press <=> in the Search To Date field. Press <Enter> to accept
the calendar display date, or move to a new date with one of the
cursor arrow keys and press <Enter>. (You can click on a new
day with your mouse, then click on the OK box at the bottom of
the calendar). The <Home> and <End> keys move to the first and
last day of the displayed month. The <PgUp> and <PgDn> keys
change the displayed month; <Ctrl-PgUp> and <Ctrl-PgDn> change
the displayed year. Press <Esc> or click the right mouse button
to bail out of the calendar window without making a choice.
You also can type in the date. When adding or updating dates
manually, the current year will be added if not entered (i.e.,
entering 11/02 produces 11/02/1992, if the current year is
1992). If only a day is entered, the current month and year
will be added (entering 2 in November produces 11/02/1992).
You can just enter MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT or SUN in the
blank date field and REMIND will calculate and display the date
of the next occurrence of that day.
Pressing the Plus <+> key or Minus <-> key will increment
or decrement the date shown.
.SearchIgnoreCase Ignore Case
Search Criteria Input Screen - Ignore Case flag:
[√]=On [ ]=Off
Leaving this flag set to "On" (the default) when in the Search
Criteria input screen will make REMIND search for Reminder text
without taking case into account (a capital letter and its lower
case counterpart will be treated the same). Any key pressed
while in this field toggles this flag between "On" and "Off."
If you want case to be respected, toggle the field "Off."
.SearchPhonetic Phonetic Search
Search Criteria Input Screen - Phonetic Search flag:
[√]=On [ ]=Off
REMIND can search for Reminder or Memo field text according to
the way it "sounds."
Toggle this field "On" when in the Search Criteria input screen
if you want the search to be performed using the phonetic
equivalent of your keywords. Any key pressed while in this
field toggles this flag between "On" and "Off."
Phonetic searching tends to be more relaxed and result in more
matches. If you want the search to use exact matches, leave this
field blank (the default).
.SearchShowAll Show All Matches
Search Criteria Input Screen - Show All Matches flag:
[√]=On [ ]=Off
REMIND can search the reminder data file and show you all
matches that it finds on a separate (Show Matches) screen, or it
can search through All Events and stop on the first occurrence
of any event that it finds that matches your criteria.
Toggle this field "On" when in the Search Criteria input screen
if you want the show all records matching the search criteria.
Any key pressed while in this field toggles this flag between
"On" and "Off."
If you select "On," rather than positioning the bar cursor to
the first/next event matching your keyword, ALL events that
qualify for the match will be displayed on a separate screen.
Any event that doesn't match will not be displayed.
Leave the field blank (the default) if you simply want to find
and stop at the first reminder matching your search criteria.
When a match is found, you can press <Ctrl-L> or <Alt-S> from
the All Events screen to jump forward to the next occurrence of
the event, if there is one.
When "Show all matches" is "On," REMIND automatically sets
"Search memos," "Start from first," and "Search forward" to "On"
for the search.
.SearchMemos Search Memos
Search Criteria Input Screen - Search Memos flag:
[√]=On [ ]=Off
In addition to being able to search the Reminder text field,
REMIND can find text in any of the three Memo fields in each
record in the data file.
Toggle this field "On" when in the Search Criteria input screen
if you want the search to also include Memo fields. Any key
toggles this flag between "On" and "Off." If you only want to
search the Reminder text field, leave this field blank (the
When "Show all matches" is "On," this field is automatically set
"On" for the search.
.SearchFromFirst Start from First
Search Criteria Input Screen - Start From First flag:
[√]=On [ ]=Off
You can tell REMIND where to begin a search for Reminder or
Memo text and/or the event's Due Date.
Leave this field "On" (the default) when in the Search Criteria
input screen if you want the search to begin at the first
reminder on file. Any key pressed while in this field toggles
this flag between "On" and "Off." If you want to search from
the current reminder (the one pointed at by the bar cursor),
toggle this field "Off."
When a match is found, you can press <Ctrl-L> or <Alt-S> from
the All Events screen to jump forward to the next occurrence of
the event, if there is one.
.SearchForward Search Forward
Search Criteria Input Screen - Search Forward flag:
[√]=On [ ]=Off
You can tell REMIND which direction to search for Reminder or
Memo text and/or the event's Due Date.
Leave this field "On" (the default) when in the Search Criteria
input screen if you want the search forward in the file. Any
key pressed while in this field toggles this flag between "On"
and "Off." If you want to search backwards, toggle this field
This option is meaningful only if you left the "Start From
First" field blank. And if you start at the first and search
backward, you aren't going to find many matches!
.EditCategory Edit Category Overview
Editing Categories
You may add, change, or delete categories to which events can be
assigned (when adding or updating them). Two pre-existing
categories are given: Uncategorized and All Categories.
From the main display screen, press <C> or <Alt-F2> or click on
the Category field to pop up the Select Category List box. Or,
from the Add New Event or Update Event windows, move to (or
click on) the Category field to pop up the List box.
Then place the bar cursor on <<< Add/Edit Category >>> and press
<Enter> or click on this choice to pop up the Edit Category
To ADD a category, enter a category code (A-Z, 0-9), and a
brief description (1-15 characters). Press <Enter>, then move
to the "OK" box to confirm your choice. You can have up to 36
To CHANGE a category, enter a valid code (or press the
<Spacebar> to see a list of current categories), change the
description, press <Enter>, then move to the "OK" box to
confirm your choice.
To DELETE a category, enter the category code, then press
<Enter> to move to the "Delete: [ ]" field. Press any key in
this field to set it to "On" [√], then move to the "OK" box to
confirm your choice.
The special categories "@" and "*" cannot be deleted, but their
description may be changed.
Changes are saved in the disk file, REMINDER.CAT, upon exiting
the box. This is an ASCII file which may be edited with a
plain-ASCII text editor or word processor. Limit changes to the
format described above for Codes, Descriptions, and number of
categories. Remember: do not delete the "@" or "*" codes if
they are present in the category file.
The default category given to an event is "Uncategorized,"
unless you have set another default with the Option editor
.EditCategoryCode Edit Category Code
Editing Categories - Edit Category Code
To ADD a category code, put the cursor in the Code field and add
a letter (A-Z) or a number (0-9).
To CHANGE a category code, enter any valid code or press <Enter>
to pop up a list of current categories. You are allowed up to
36 categories in addition to the special categories,
"Uncategorized" and "All Categories."
To DELETE a category, go to the "Delete: [ ]" field and press
any key to place a "√" mark in this field. Any key toggles the
delete flag between "On" and "Off."
.EditCategoryDesc Edit Category Description
Editing Categories - Edit Category Description
To add or change a category description, put the cursor in the
Description field and type a short description (1-15
You can delete a category by going to the "Delete: [ ]" field
and pressing any key to place a "√" mark in this field. Any key
toggles the delete flag between "On" and "Off."
.EditCategoryFlag Edit Category - Delete a Category
Editing Categories - Delete a Category flag:
[√]=On [ ]=Of
You can delete a category by going to the "Delete: [ ]" field
and pressing any key to place a "√" mark in this field. Any key
toggles the delete flag between "On" and "Off."
.Print Print Events Menu
Pressing <Alt-P> displays the Print Events Menu.
Turn your printer "On" and make a selection to print out your
reminders. Printout is formatted for a standard 8.5" x 11"
page (daisy wheel, dot matrix, or laser printer). The
printout follows the format of the main display screen, but
also prints all Memo fields if they have data.
Menu choice: Prints:
─────────── ──────
Today's Events Just events due for today's date.
Active Events Events due today, plus upcoming events
for which you have set a specific number
of warning (or preview) days, and any
past due events (i.e., Sticky flag set).
Matches from Search Events found that match your search
criteria, after setting "Show Only
Matches" to "√" ("On").
All Events All events in the data file.
After making a choice of the type of events to print, a
Category for Printing list pops up. Choose "All Categories"
(the default) to print events in all categories or select
another category of events to print.
.PrintCategory Print Category Selection
After pressing <Alt-P> to invoke the Print Events Menu, and
making a choice on the type of events to print, a pop up
"Category for Printing" box will let you select events to
print by the category to which they are assigned.
Print output will be limited to the category selected in this
box. If you select "*" (All Categories), all categories of
events are printed for the type of event you chose from the
Print Events Menu.
.Expire Expire (Reset) Event
<F9> │ Expire (Reset) Event. Clears event until next Due Date.
or │
<E> │ Does NOT permanently delete an event from the data file.
│ (Use <Alt-F9> or <D> to permanently delete events.)
This key will reset or "expire" the displayed event under the
bar cursor, and set it to the next relevant date depending on
whether it is Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Floating, etc.,
whereupon it will pop up again when you invoke REMIND.
Note that One-time events that are reset in this manner are
deleted, since One-time events have no "next" date.
.Delete Delete Event
<Alt-F9> │ Delete Event. Erases event from the current data
or │ file; no entry is made in the history file.
<D> │
or │ PERMANENTLY DELETES any event under the bar cursor.
<DEL> │ (Use <F9> or <E> to just expire--i.e., reset--
│ events to their next relevant Due Date.)
.OptionOverview Option Setting Overview
Option Settings - Overview
You can configure REMIND to your preferences through the use of
"start up options."
Options may be set while in REMIND by pressing <Alt-O>, which
will bring up a Option Settings dialog box -- the "Option
editor." Move to the option of your choice with the arrow keys
(or mouse click), and press any key (or click the mouse) to
toggle the option between On [√] and Off [ ] (blank). Help is
available for each option with <F1>.
You can save your preferences by selecting "[ ] Save settings to
..." and then selecting [OK] to confirm your choices. REMIND
will then remember your preferences by saving them to a
plain-ASCII text file named REMINDER.OPT in the same directory
as REMIND.EXE. REMIND reads this file when it boots and uses
the settings in it as program (and Option display list) defaults.
[REMINDER.OPT may be directly edited using an ASCII text editor
or word processor in "plain text" mode; if you edit this option
file you can place one or more options per line in any order.
Each option begins with a slash (e.g., /A = Autosave option).]
You also can use these start up options on the command line
(i.e., from the DOS prompt). If you invoke REMIND from the
command line or your AUTOEXEC.BAT, start-up options may be added
in any order. The syntax is:
REMIND [option][option]...[option]
To automatically start REMIND each day from your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file, using the optional Once-per-day and Quick modes, enter
this command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (after any Path
statement, which should include your REMIND directory) with an
ASCII text editor or word processor in plain text mode:
All other optional settings (with the possible exception of
/MONO -- see the "Change Colors option") can be entered with the
Option editor (i.e., with <Alt-O>).
.OptAutoSave Autosave updates option
Autosave updates option - [√]=On [ ]=Off
Automatically saves any internal updates (resetting of events)
made by the program that may take place. Using this option will
prevent REMIND from asking if you want to save when you press
<Esc> to exit. Most users will find this option useful.
NOTE: If you make changes to events/reminders, you still will be
prompted to save whether the Autosave option is used or not, if
you press <Esc> to exit from REMIND. The only way to quit REMIND
without being prompted to save changes is with the <F4> (Quit) key.
.OptConfirmExpire Confirm on expire option
Confirm on expire option - [√]=On [ ]=Off
Sets REMIND to require confirmation (displays a Yes/No box) when
you expire events (i.e., reset them to their next relevant due
date) with the <F9> or <E> keys. Helps prevent accidentally
resetting events prematurely -- very useful for new users.
.OptUseHistory Maintain history option
Maintain history option - [√]=On [ ]=Off
Indicates whether the file, REMINDER.HST (or other history
file(s)), should be maintained. A history file is an ASCII file
of your expired reminders. It can be used to recover old
expired events. See the "History File Features" section in the
REMIND manual for more information.
(See also the Help Topic "Backup data file option." The Backup
option makes a mirror image of your data file, while the History
option makes a cumulative record of expired events.)
.OptDefCat Default Category option
Default category option
Categories are used to group events on the main display screen,
or to limit searches, and are user-definable. The value of this
option can be set to one of 38 codes (A-Z, 0-9, *, or @) which
sets the start up default value when adding new events.
The code "@" (Uncategorized) is the default if not otherwise
specified. That is, events are not categorized when first added
See also the Help Topics "Category Display" and "Category List"
for more information.
.OptOnceMode Once per day mode option
Once per day mode option - [√]=On [ ]=Off
If set "On" this option causes REMIND to display events only
once per day.
Like Quick startup mode, the Once-per-day mode option typically
is used when REMIND is run from your AUTOEXEC.BAT, if you
frequently reboot your system and only want reminders displayed
the first time REMIND is run each day. REMIND will bypass
reminding you of today's events if you reboot your computer for
any reason during the day. In your AUTOEXEC.BAT, use the
command REMIND/O to set this option (or combine it with Quick
startup mode: REMIND/O/Q).
CAUTION: Setting this option "On" with the Option editor will
set REMIND to load only once per day by changing the date stamp
on the "date keeper" file, REMINDER.RUN, to the current date.
You will NOT be able to run REMIND again that day unless you
load it from the DOS prompt with this command:
REMIND/NO (Negate Once per day mode)
NOTE: REMIND will ask for confirmation if you set this option
"On" with the Option editor and then choose "Save Settings."
.OptQuickMode Quick start up option
Quick start up option - [√]=On [ ]=Off
Operate in Quick start up mode. In this mode, REMIND will not
display if there are no Active events. It will simply display a
message that "no events are active."
Like the Once-per-day mode option, this option is typically used
with the REMIND command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. REMIND will
be bypassed if there are no Active events scheduled for the day,
and the remainder of AUTOEXEC.BAT will execute. In your
AUTOEXEC.BAT, use the command REMIND/Q (or combine Quick startup
with Once-per-day mode: REMIND/Q/O).
CAUTION: Setting this option "On" [√] with the Option editor or
from the DOS command line will prevent you from loading REMIND
in the usual way if there are no events Active. (Naturally, if
you have Active events that day, REMIND will load as usual.)
Therefore, if you set this option you may need to load REMIND
from the DOS prompt with this command:
REMIND/NQ (Negate Quick mode)
NOTE: REMIND will ask for confirmation if you set this option
"On" with the Option editor and then choose "Save Settings."
.OptColorMonitor Color Monitor option
Color Monitor option - [√]=On [ ]=Off
This option is automatically set on for color monitors. Set it
"Off" if you have a screen such as a lap-top that emulates a
color adapter but has a monochrome screen.
Start up options can be used to change colors. See the Help
Topic "Change Colors."
.OptSound Use sound option
Use sound option - [√]=On [ ]=Off
Include sound prompts (a soft "beep"). This option is
particularly useful when REMIND is run from your AUTOEXEC.BAT,
to alert you during boot-up that events are displayed. If used,
this option will also cause the program to beep when certain
confirmation messages are displayed.
.OptBackup Backup data file option
Create .BAK files ...
Backup data file option - [√]=On [ ]=Off
Sets REMIND to automatically make a back up copy of your data
file, with a .BAK extension, whenever you save your reminders.
(See also the Help Topic "Maintain history option." The Backup
option makes a mirror image of your data file, while the History
option makes a cumulative record of expired events.)
.OptSoftMouse Soft Mouse Reset option
Soft Mouse Reset option - [√]=On [ ]=Off
If you are having problems with your mouse (erratic operation,
slow initiation of the mouse, etc.), try setting this option
.OptStickyDef Sticky-is-default option
Sticky-is-default option - [√]=On [ ]=Off
Indicates whether "On" or "Off" is the default setting for
the "Sticky:" field in the event input screens.
Some people want most events to "nag" them until they are
physically reset <F9> or removed <Alt-F9>, and will set this
option "On." Events then "stick" to the main display screen
until the user takes some deliberate action in removing them.
This default setting can be over-ridden: Any event's "Sticky"
flag can be toggled "On" or "Off" when adding or updating the
event from an input screen.
.OptExpandBox Expanding boxes option
Expanding boxes option - [√]=On [ ]=Off
Use "exploding" dialog boxes. Setting this "Off" can be useful
on slower video systems, such as older PC/XTs; the dialog box is
then displayed immediately (full-size).
.OptSepHist Separate history file option
Separate history file option - [√]=On [ ]=Off
Maintains a separate history file for event data. If set "On,"
REMIND will write history information to a file with the same
name and directory as the currently loaded data file, using the
extension .HST. Useful for multiple users with different REMIND
data files on the same system.
.OptVgaMode VGA 43/50-line mode option
VGA 43/50-line mode option - [√]=On [ ]=Off
Use VGA/EGA 50/43 line display mode, if available. The <ALT-V>
key will also toggle the display between these two modes. This
option is ignored if there is no VGA or EGA installed.
.OptSolidTitle Solid Title Line option
Solid Title Line option - [√]=On [ ]=Off
Sets the style of the underline characters and separator
characters on the main display screen. "On" = graphic
characters, "Off" = horizontal dashes.
Turning this option "Off" is useful for those who prefer the
"dash style" (used in earlier versions of REMIND), which may
allow a cleaner "PrintScreen dump" to some printers.
.OptWarnDays Default warn days option
Default warn days option
Allows a default number of warning (or preview) days to be
specified. Enter how many days (0-9999) before the Due Date
you would like to be reminded of the event's existence. (You
can override this number when adding/updating an event.)
When warning days have been set, REMIND will display your
reminder in advance of the event's Due Date by the number of
days you indicate. For many users, the more important the event
the larger is this number. Setting this to 0 (zero) means the
event will display exactly on its Due Date. However, if that
day you are not on your computer, you will miss the event unless
you have set the Sticky flag.
Some events may not require much prior notice, and it may be
irritating to see the event displayed dozens of days before the
event is due. Use the fewest number of preview days that work
for you. Too many days of warning can dilute the impact of a
REMIND message.
Warning days can be calendar days or week days. See the Help
Topic "Warn-in-weekdays default option."
.OptWarnWeekday Warn-in-weekdays default option
Warn-in-weekdays default option - [√]=On [ ]=Off
Specifies the default type of warning days when adding or
updating an event: "On"= weekdays (Monday through Friday),
"Off"= calendar days. If "On," REMIND will use weekdays instead
of calendar days when calculating the earliest warning (preview)
day to display an upcoming event.
This setting may be helpful for students or business people who
operate mainly on a Monday-through-Friday schedule. If, for
example, you need to be reminded as early as Friday of a meeting
the following Wednesday (because you will not be at your
computer Saturday or Sunday), you would enter 3 weekday warning
days for the Wednesday event so the Reminder will pop up Friday,
Monday, and Tuesday. (It will also pop up Saturday and Sunday,
if you load REMIND on those days.)
See also the Help Topic "Default Warn Days option."
.OptDateCheckDays Date-Check days option
Date-Check days option
Indicates that REMIND should check the system date before
processing reminders. The value specified indicates the maximum
number of days (0-9999) before or after the previous run of
REMIND that will be considered an error.
This can be useful in detecting problems with the system date
setting so that REMIND does not prematurely expire events.
(REMIND uses the system date to perform some automatic
functions, and assumes the system date is correct.)
Try setting this value to 3, and increase/decrease as desired.
.OptChangeColors Change Colors
Change Colors
If you have a color system, you can select start up default
Press any key in this field to bring up a dialog box ("Select
Field"). In the box, choose between resetting all colors to
their factory-shipped settings (the first selection), or setting
one or more fields -- that is, areas on the main display screen
-- to a new color.
Remember to tell REMIND to save your settings to disk with "Save
settings to ..." in the Option editor.
NOTE: If you have a monochrome monitor, LCD screen, or color
screen that may not be detected properly, or are having
problems reading the screen (and you have tried various color
combinations), try entering the option command /MONO in the
REMINDER.OPT file with a plain-ASCII editor.
.ColorOptFieldList Color Field List
Color Field List
You can choose between restoring all color defaults to their
factory-shipped settings, or setting a field (an area on the
main display screen) to a new color. The fields whose colors
can be changed are:
Field: Description:
*Reset* Default color scheme
Past Past events
Today Today's events
Future Future events
Blank Blank line in the display area
Cursor Bar cursor
CursorP Color of bar cursor on past events
CursorT Color of bar cursor on today's events
CursorF Color of bar cursor on future events
File "File:" name line
Memory Memory status line
Titles Column titles above events/reminders
Legend Top line of screen & function key legend
Addupd Add/Update dialog box
Confirm Delete/Expire dialog box
Search Search criteria dialog box
Exitbox Message box when exiting REMIND
The current colors (foreground,background) for these fields are
displayed in the Select Field box. Use the arrow keys or mouse
to select a field to change. Press <Enter> (or mouse click) to
bring up the dialog box entitled "New Foreground for ..." Choose
a new foreground color for this field. Another box will pop up
and allow you to set the background color for this field.
For example, you may want to set the horizontal bar cursor to
complement the colors of Past/Today's/Future events -- or
perhaps allow the foreground color of an event to show through
while retaining cursor highlighting. Try these:
Field: Complementary: Show through:
Past - Lightred,Black Red,Black
Today - Lightgreen,Black Yellow,Black
Future - Lightcyan,Black Lightblue,Black
... ...
Cursor - Black,Lightgray Black,Lightgray
Cursorp - Black,Red Red,Lightgray (or Red,Cyan)
Cursort - Black,Green Yellow,Lightgray (or Yellow,Cyan)
Cursorf - Black,Cyan Lightblue,Lightgray (or Lightblue,Cyan)
Remember to tell REMIND to save your settings to disk with the
"Save settings to ..." option in the Option editor.
.ColorOptFgList Color Foreground List
Color Foreground List
Choose a foreground color from this list (you can type the
number displayed to the left of the color name):
.ColorOptBgList Color Background List
Color Background List
Choose a background color from this list (you can type the
number displayed to the left of the color name):
.OptSaveSettings Save Settings
Save Settings [√]=On [ ]=Off
If you change any options listed in the Options editor, you can
tell REMIND to save them for future sessions by setting this
field "On" [√]. Otherwise, any changes you make to the option
settings will be used for the current REMIND session only.